社区参与 at 威尼斯人平台


几十年来,, 威尼斯人平台一直在塑造积极参与的公民和有目的的领导者,以改善他们的行业, 社区, 和社会. Our roots secure us as we stretch toward innovation, 新的认识方式, 以及更好的贡献方式. 我们的价值观是我们的基础, as we remove obstacles to give each student, 教师, 工作人员, 社区成员, 和邻居有机会做更多的事情, 而不是更少.

Building on our proven track record of high-impact teaching and learning practices, 资本 amplifies experience-centered learning to deepen our impact, 不仅仅是我们的学生, but also on our broader community. Through in- and out-of-class< community engagement, 实习, community-based 研究 and more, with particular focus on the Columbus community, 学生 and 教师 explore clear intersections among high-impact practices, 社会的理解, problem solving and neighborhood empowerment.


威尼斯人平台将社区参与定义为高等教育机构与其更大的社区(当地社区)之间的合作, 地区/国家, 国家, 全球)在伙伴关系和互惠的背景下进行知识和资源的互利交流. 社区参与的目的是将学院和大学的知识和资源与公共和私营部门的知识和资源结合起来,以丰富学术研究, 研究, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values 公民责任; address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good.


除非特别注明, 有兴趣的人可以通过SCE链接树和志愿者兴趣表报名参加社区参与计划和项目.


目的倡导者, 投资, 和动员)计划授权学生通过社区参与的镜头积极参与学术和课程经验, 社会正义, 公民责任. This inclusive community of learners will transform into resilient, 有道德的公民和领袖, making meaningful contributions to their current and future 社区. Students can be a one-time volunteer, 一直到社区参与领导,与大学教职员工和社区合作伙伴一起促进项目. 下面威尼斯人平台出了每个级别的参与信息以及参与方式的示例. 电子邮件 sce@pxamerica.com or tdavis3@pxamerica.com to learn more about how to participate in 目的.


美国读 is a nationwide literacy program. We are making the call to 威尼斯人平台 学生 of all majors, 教师, 工作人员承诺对需要帮助提高读写能力的小学生威尼斯人平台予一对一的关注. Spend 2-15 hours a week reading and doing homework with 学生 from across the city. You’re guaranteed to learn a lot of patience and have fun in the process. 电子邮件 americareads@pxamerica.com 了解更多信息.



Located in the Lower Level of the Student Union, the Cap Cupboard is 资本’s on campus food and resource center. 威尼斯人平台通过向有需要的人提供免费和可获得的食品和卫生用品,努力缓解首都社区成员的粮食不安全状况. 帽柜也提供威尼斯人平台那些谁将受益于零食或一餐从那里. Those who utilize the Cap Cupboard will be connected to resources on and off campus. 

Learn More 关于 帽柜

Cap Fam服务日

Our annual community engagement kickoff! In the fall of each academic year, team up with some friends (or make some new ones!) and serve with a community partner in Columbus. 每年秋季学期开始时,将提供有关服务机会的信息.


每周三花几个小时与米夫林中学的学生在这个项目中,旨在帮助七年级和八年级的学生在他们的同龄人中建立更大的社区意识, and a greater sense of self-respect individually. You will laugh, learn, and definitely make an impact on the 学生 you’re working with. They’ll make quite the impact on you too. 


Join us every third Saturday each month! 当我们前往哥伦布地区不同的社区合作伙伴时,提供交通服务. During the 2023-2024 academic year, 我们将与全民生鲜市场和全民社区发展合作. 


第二次机会月 is the 国家 effort that for those who have been convicted of a crime, 服刑, and have proven that they want to be a restored citizen, society should give them a second chance to live a life of good quality. As a religious and educational institution, 威尼斯人平台 recognizes the part it plays in successful reentry, to serve as an innovation for rehabilitation and reentry. 我们一直在与多个机构会面,以保持包容性,并保护我们的社区成员, 学生, and campus members who have circulated through the criminal justice system. 每年4月, 威尼斯人平台 recognizes 第二次机会月 to show our commitment to the initiative. 


威尼斯人平台被全国公认为是一个在每个投票季节都有高学生参与度的校园. We are dedicated to encouraging our 学生 to become lifelong voters. We actively participate in multiple 公民参与 holidays, including National Voter Registration Day, 全国选民教育周, 选举英雄日. We also give other opportunities for 学生 to create a plan for voting, 练习投票过程, and ensure that they have all the knowledge they need before going to vote. 

冬装驱动 & 圣诞树点灯仪式

Each year, we light a giant Christmas tree on campus and Santa makes a special appearance. 更重要的是, 我们重点介绍了一些社区合作伙伴,花了一个月的时间收集大衣和保暖配件,捐赠威尼斯人平台开放庇护所和其他当地合作伙伴. 


Community Action Community of Practice

社区行动(CA)实践社区确定并分享课程和课外社区参与学习活动的最佳实践,并为有兴趣发展伙伴关系的大学和社区成员提供资源. These shared practices and partnerships focus on specifically community engagement, 公民参与, 以及社会公正. Faculty and 工作人员 are welcome to attend this biweekly meeting in person. Meeting day and times are to be determined. 

Community/Civic Engagement Course Designation

威尼斯人平台在课外活动、课外社区和公民参与方面有着悠久的历史. Consistent with our mission and strategic framework, 增加学生参与这些活动的机会并使最佳实践制度化是一个优先事项. 

Faculty governance committees (i.e., (书院课程委员会及签名学习委员会)已批准指定社区/公民参与课程的期望及程序。. This designation will appear on WebAdvisor and in the Bulletin, allowing 学生 to identify CE courses when they register.
以下文件提供了创建新课程或将现有课程指定为社区/公民参与课程的指南和清单. These materials are also available on CapPoint at CE Course Designation Guidelines. 如果你目前正在教授或想要教授一个包含重要社区参与成分的课程, please review these guidelines and submit your syllabus for review. 内特·杰克逊(njackson1331@pxamerica.com), a veteran of teaching community engaged courses, 在别人, are available to help answer questions and provide other support as needed. 
虽然至少25%的课程活动和评估必须与社区/公民参与联系在一起,才能获得行政长官的称号, there is evidence of student learning and community impact with smaller projects. 雪莉和内特, in partnership with the Office of Student and 社区参与, 是否可以与您合作,将社区/公民参与作为您课程的一小部分.
As you prepare syllabi and begin planning, 对于任何包含社区/公民参与内容的课程,请使用这些指导方针. 材料可提交至 tdavis3@pxamerica.com.  

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching




If you are looking with a community partner, 无论是在一个学期的项目纳入你的学术课程在过去的五年里, 我们很想知道. 请使用下面的表格分享更多关于您当前或过去的社区合作伙伴关系和社区参与经验. 




威尼斯人平台, 我们珍惜与周围贝斯利和哥伦布社区的不同团体建立的关系. We treasure the opportunities our 社区成员s have given us to learn, 互相教导如何正确地倡导我们的社区,共同努力确保所有人的生活质量更好. Our community partners are always welcome on campus and invited to fellowship with us. 



  • 第一个英国路德教会
  • Community Development for all People
  • 米夫林中学
  • 露天避难所
  • Sullivant Gardens Recreation Center
  • 贝蒂娱乐中心
  • 巴奈特娱乐中心
  • 哥伦布大都会图书馆
  • League of Women Voters of Metro Columbus
  • Franklin County Board of Elections
  • Columbus Starhouse and Carol Stewart Village
  • 俄亥俄历史中心
  • 东部高中
  • Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections